Summer Fayre Honouring Angela Newton MBE Raises £1,000

The Summer Fayre held in the hospital’s grounds of Johnson Community Hospital, was a tribute to Angela Newton, the Friends’ esteemed President, to honour her remarkable contribution and dedication to the Charity.  Angela’s service dated back to 2005.

Angela’s daughter-in-law, Helen Porter, attended the Fayre and shared heartfelt words: “It’s been a pleasure to attend the Friends’ Summer Fayre this afternoon. Angela’s family is very happy that she has been honoured in this way, as her involvement with the Charity was immense.”

Christine Grocock, Secretary, remarked: “I think having the delightful Deputy Flower Queen, Demi Fontaine Gilchrist, supporting us was a huge bonus. She fitted in perfectly, chatting with all the stall holders, visiting the patients with Steve Weatherly-Barton our Chairman and Hospital Chaplain, and finally joining the Spalding Community Choir for a sing-along.”

Steve Weatherly-Barton commented “Demi’s ability to empathise and chat with the variety of patients she met was wonderful. I could happily have stolen her for the whole of the afternoon!”

Christine Lawton, President said: “On behalf of the Friends, I would like to thank everyone who attended and supported our Charity.  Through your generosity, the Friends will be able to continue to fund medical equipment and facilities to benefit the hard-working nurses and auxiliary staff and the comfort of the patients.”