Even More Generosity From Local Business Owners – the Friends’ Summer Fayre is Looking Good

We are absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of our local business owners and would like to express our sheer delight at receiving two more generous donations for our raffle. The first donation comes from a local company specialising in handmade wooden products called Touch Wood, who have donated two delightful candle holders.

One of our members recently visited Black Barn Barrels in Hop Pole, Deeping St. Nicholas, a company that specialises in selling whiskey barrels which have so many uses, planters and tub chairs. They also have a huge array of beautiful plants for sale. The Friends will be having a plant stall at our Fayre and, during the visit to Black Barn Barrels, Rosemary was delighted to find some wonderful plants for her stall and received a significant discount on her purchase.

Things are really beginning to take shape now, folks! We look forward to meeting you on Saturday, the 13th. Please don’t be put off if the weather is not ideal because all our stalls will be undercover. A warm and dry welcome awaits.

See you there!