Friends’ Summer Fayre: Why Your Support Matters

With less than two weeks to go until the Friends’ Summer Fayre, we wanted to share why it’s important to support us by attending this event.

Although the hospital is fully equipped, there are occasions when we can provide additional items through our fundraising efforts, such as shower/toilet chairs, a toaster, patio furniture, and a bariatric chair. These purchases wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of those who support our charity.

The Impact of Your Support

Through the generosity of our community, The Friends have been able to fund equipment enhancing the hospital’s ability to provide high-quality care. Our activities, from organizing fundraising events are all geared towards making a real difference to the lives of those who rely on Johnson Community Hospital.

Join Us at the Summer Fayre

To help The Friends continue our work, please take some time to visit our Fayre and enjoy:

  • Entertainment: Performance by the Spalding Community Choir.
  • Games: Fun games provided by The Spalding Lions
  • Tombola and Raffle – with fantastic prizes to be won
  • Delicious Treats: Cakes made by the Pinchbeck WI and Nurse Danielle’s boxes of tasty afternoon teas and brownies.
  • Stalls and Activities: A variety of stalls to explore and participate in.

Your attendance and support will directly contribute to our mission of enhancing the comfort and care of patients at Johnson Community Hospital.

Please join us for a fun-filled afternoon and help us make a difference!

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, 13th July 2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Johnson Community Hospital Grounds

Thank you for your continued support.

