Friends raise £1,000 for charity

Volunteers have helped raise over £1,000 for the Johnson Community Hospital.

The Friends of Johnson Community Hospital held its annual Autumn Fayre at Pinchbeck Village Hall recently. The event was well attended and included help from a host of people.

The Pinchbeck WI led by president Margaret Moyses provided teas, coffees and cakes. Spalding Lions put on various games while Coun Andrew Woolf, the chair of South Holland District Council helped draw the raffle which included brilliant prizes donated by Tonwood and announcing the Name The Teddy Game. Entertainment came from the U3A choir led by Jacqueline Kemp.

Christine Grocock, secretary of the Friends of Johnson Community Hospital, said: “We’re so delighted. “I would like to thank, on behalf of the Friends, all the visitors who gave generously to this important cause. The choir created such a welcoming and joyful experience for our visitors. The fayre was a happy and sociable occasion”.